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Mandated Child Abuse Reporter Training



Effective January 1, 2015, Assembly Bill 1432 (D-Gatto) requires all local educational agencies (LEAs) to train all employees each year on what they need to know in order to identify and report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. “All employees” includes anybody working on the LEA’s behalf, such as teachers, teacher’s aides, classified employees, and any other employees whose duties bring them into direct contact and supervision of students. 
Keenan SafeSchools offers an online training program that all AUHSD staff and coaches must complete annually.  Information on this training is provided on the right side of this web page.
Stop Child Abuse Graphic Logo
To learn more about how to identify signs of child abuse, or how to report suspected abuse or neglect, please visit the CA Department of Education web page by following the link below: 
Staff Login Info

Staff Login Info

Log onto the Keenan Safe Schools web page by clicking the link below.
Username: Your district email address
Password: Not required
Keenan SafeSchools
Under the Social & Behavioral category, find the Mandatory Reporter course and complete all sections. This will take about 39 minutes. 
If you have any questions or trouble logging in, you may contact Paula Foster at extension 10003.